Monday, January 3, 2011

It's Official. I'm a Blogger!

After mulling it over for about a week, I've decided to start a blog. Hence, Moonbeams in a Jar. I was talking with my husband--who once said that blogging was stupid--about how quickly the pace of life seems to have picked up since we had our daughter in the spring. Every day is something new with her and I don't want to forget how blessed our family is and continues to be. And even though I'm self-described 'vanilla', there are things that Dan and I see, do and experience worth documenting, too.

So, my hope for Moonbeams in a Jar is to be a place where I can share our family stories, pictures, my spiritual journey, crafty projects, home improvements, recipes and more with those I love--and any others who like what I have to say.

Why Moonbeams in a Jar? Yes, it does have a special meaning. It reminds me of my childhood. It's a line in an old song my grandpa used to sing to me called Swinging on a Star. I couldn't think of a better blog title--after the first five tries were rejected! :)

So, I hope you enjoy Moonbeams in a Jar as much as I hope I enjoy working on it. I'd love to hear from some of my blogging friends about your motivation and what you enjoy most about making your daily or weekly posts.

Until next time!


  1. you are such an inspiration! It is so funny, but over break, I watched Julie and Julia. After watching it, I began telling myself that I should start a blog. I am sure there are plenty of things I say or do or observe that people will enjoy reading about. Of course Lauren thinks it's just one big gossip corner. But thank you so much for the push. After reading your blog, I began mine tonight. I don't want you think I am trying to copy you, but rather I am inspired by you and just wanted to thank you for pushing me, even if you didn't know you did. I titled mine The Yellow Wallpaper on here if you ever get a chance to read it. I will be chicking in to read yours.

  2. Aw, shucks! I totally don't feel like you are copying; I'm exciting about reading your blog! Why didn't you call it Bass Bondage? :) Wasn't that our fishing show title?

    Anyway, I can't find your blog. Send me the link!

  3. You inspired me too! I've been thinking about starting a blog for a little while now. Mindy wanted me to start one while I was pregnant, but I never did. Now that we are looking at the adoption route I think it will be a great way to keep friends and family up to date. I just made mine today. Check it out if you want, it's called "Kisses Come in Twos."
