Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend Recap

It seems like weekends come and go so quickly these days! I always have big plans that usually revolve around 'doing ALL the laundry' or 'finally cleaning my house.' Yea, that never happens. I haven't given up yet. I still think there's hope for our house, but I'm not going to be the type of person that freaks out about having dog hair on the couch or dishes in the sink. I'm so over that.

Anyway, although I didn't get the laundry done, I did stay current with the dishes and have time to do some  fun stuff. Here's what went down.

Friday. Pioneer Woman book signing! It was a long wait in line, but well worth it. I'm excited to cook my way through her cookbook and can't wait for her children's book next month.

I'm typically in bed super early, but I was on mission to organize my coupon box. I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. clipping, tossing out expired coupons and getting my shopping list ready for Homeland.

Saturday. After grocery shopping at Homeland and Target, I tried to take Ellie's picture for her birthday invites, but she was NOT having it. Here are some of the outtakes. 

Crawling away. Please ignore how dirty the floor is. <See the opening paragraph>

Eating crumbs off her high chair. Yuck!

This one is sweet, but not the right layout for her birthday card.

After laying Ellie down for her nap, I finally had time to clean out my messy freezer and pantry. I'm in love! It's practically the only place in my house that's organized. I thought moving into a larger home would help me be more organized, but I just have more room for clutter! Oh, well. Not in my pantry!

After E woke up, she was in the best mood...until I grabbed my camera! I was able to get a good shot of her in her crib. Here's the color version. I used the black and white version on her party invitations, which I'll post later this week. I can't believe she's almost one!

I love this girl!

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